
2700 Broadway Ave West Palm Beach, FL 33407

Alternative Holistic Therapies

Yoga Therapy

Discover the benefits of yoga when treating drug & alcohol abuse.
Alternative Approaches to Treatment

The Body’s Natural Detox

Drug and alcohol addiction compromises the mind and the body’s ability to function properly. Toxic buildup reduces the brain’s ability to regulate and produce neurotransmitters, creates an imbalance in the glandular system and weakens the nervous system. As a result, the client becomes detached from their body and challenged in executing basic physical, mental and emotional functions.

Yoga provides techniques that help our clients deal with the uncomfortable physical sensations that arise during the detox process. The benefits are many as Yoga will help detox organs, reduce stress, increase energy, improve physical fitness, repair brain chemistry, achieve balance, maintain self-discipline and learn how to cope with difficult moments. Through Yoga, the client can reset the relationship with their body, helping them release toxins in a less stressful manner and begin to interact with the world with a “ new biological operating system“.

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Palm Beach Recovery Center works with most major commercial & private insurance plans to help cover many of the costs assocaited with treatment. Find out your coverage options right now using our free form.

"Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within."

More about yoga therapy

Yoga Therapy at PBRC

Our yoga program is designed specifically for the client who is in recovery. A steady practice may help to:

How it helps you recover

Stretch, Sweat, and Remove Toxins

As the body is going through an intense medical drug detox process, it is important to support it in natural ways. Specific asana (poses and stretches) challenge the body to stretch, sweat and remove toxins lodged in the organs, muscles and tissues. Yoga postures, when combined with breathing techniques, have a direct effect on organs (liver, kidney, lungs, digestive tract, etc.) assisting the body to execute its own natural detox functions.

The Overall Benefits

Stress and Anxiety Relief

Yoga has a direct effect on the adrenal and glandular systems and has proven to be effective at regulating the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. When these hormones are at high levels they add to the body’s toxicity, triggering anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorders – all of which can lead to more intense cravings and potential relapse. With an integrated Yoga regimen, these hormones are reduced and balanced, assisting the client to relax, stay calm and remain grounded throughout the detox process.

Learn to Deal with Everyday Life

Using New Coping Mechanisms

People who suffer from addiction often begin taking drugs as a means of escape from challenging life situations or a relief from past traumas that do not seem to resolve. Without the proper tools and knowledge about how to process and control their own stress and anxiety through healthy means, they turn to substances like alcohol, pain relievers, street drugs, sedatives, etc to help them cope. The answer is to be mindful and aware in how they respond to life’s negative stimuli. Yoga helps clients gain control over negative thoughts and emotions.

coping mechanism yoga
Testimonials & Reviews

Stories of Hope & Recovery

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We're Here to Help

Our multi-faceted organization uses a repertoire of methods to generate practical solutions to major drug/alcohol challenges targeted towards families and individuals. We work to improve the health of the public and of you from a variety of angles, including constant research and innovation on substance abuse treatment models as paired with individuals and environment. 

Our Approaches & Modalities

Alternative Treatments & Therapies

Yoga Therapy

Sound Therapy

Massage Therapy

Acupuncture Therapy

Chiropractor Therapy

Reach Out & Get Help 24/7

We're Here to Help

Our multi-faceted organization uses a repertoire of methods to generate practical solutions to major drug/alcohol challenges targeted towards families and individuals. We work to improve the health of the public and of you from a variety of angles, including constant research and innovation on substance abuse treatment models as paired with individuals and environment. 

Build Your Self-Esteem at PBRC

Develop Self-Discipline with Yoga

A steady Yoga practice has amazing effects on one’s ability to enforce self-discipline. Most people who suffer from addiction display a similar trait of being impulsive; a feeling of not being able to control urges or follow through on their well-meaning intentions. Yoga helps transmute the noise of negative impulses and trains the client on how to reinforce positive intentions with positive action. Over time, new actions will become positive habit.

Yoga for Addiction Treatment

Find Your Center. Find Your Peace.

As you embark on your journey of detoxification and healing at Palm Beach Recovery Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, consider incorporating yoga therapy into your program. This ancient practice offers a powerful blend of physical postures, breathing techniques, and mindfulness exercises that can enhance your detox experience.

Yoga therapy provides a safe and supportive space for you to connect with your body, mind, and spirit during this transformative time. Our experienced and certified yoga therapists will guide you through personalized sessions that cater to your individual needs and goals.

Embrace the holistic power of yoga therapy and experience a deeper level of healing and renewal during your detox journey at Palm Beach Recovery Center. Contact us today to learn more about incorporating yoga therapy into your personalized detox program.